1. Crime and Punishment

Disc A:
Pardon Us - rest., extended length b/w
Pardon Us - extended length computer-colour
The Hoose-Gow - rest. b/w & computer-colour
The Battle Of The Century - b/w silent comedy with music

Disc B:
Chickens Come Home - rest. b/w & computer colour
Politiquerias - Chickens Come Home in an extended Spanish-language edition, with Laurel & Hardy speaking their own dialogue
Come Clean - rest. b/w
Love 'Em And Weep - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Sugar Daddies - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Early To Bed - rest. b/w silent comedy with music

Disc C:
Going Bye-Bye! - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Do Detectives Think? - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Habeas Corpus - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Angora Love - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Bacon Grabbers - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
The Midnight Patrol - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Liberty - rest. b/w silent with music and sound effects from its original release
Wrong Again - rest. b/w silent with music and sound effects from its original release

Disc D:
Scram! - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Night Owls - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Ladrones - Night Owls in an extended Spanish-language edition, with L&H speaking in their own language
The Second Hundred Years - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Call Of The Cuckoo - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Duck Soup - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Forty-Five Minutes From Hollywood - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Big Business - rest. b/w silent comedy with music



2. When Duty Calls

Disc A:
Pack Up Your Troubles - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Their First Mistake - rest. b/w & computer colour
Putting Pants On Philip - rest. b/w silent comedy with music

Disc B:
Block-Heads - rest. b/w & computer colour
Unaccustomed As We Are - rest. b/w & computer colour
With Love and Hisses - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Should Married Men Go Home? - rest. b/w silent comedy with music

Disc C:
The Live Ghost - rest. b/w
Sailors, Beware! - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Two Tars - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Men O'War - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Any Old Port! - rest. b/w
Why Girls Love Sailors - rest. b/w
Towed In A Hole - rest. b/w & computer-colour

Disc D:
Beau Hunks - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Our Wife - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Helpmates - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Me And My Pal - b/w & computer-colour


3. Family Feuds

Disc A:
Our Relations - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Brats - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Twice Two - rest. b/w & computer-colour

Disc B:
Sons Of The Desert - rest. b/w & computer-colour
We Faw Down - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Their Purple Moment - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
On The Wrong Trek - rest. b/w

Disc C:
Blotto - rest. b/w & computer-colour
La Vida Nocturna - Blotto in an extended Spanish-language edition
Be Big - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Los Calaveras - Be Big & Laughing Gravy combined into a feature-length Spanish-language edition

Disc D:
County Hospital - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Them Thar Hills - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Tit For Tat - rest. b/w & computer-colour
Perfect Day - computer-colour
They Go Boom! - rest. b/w
Leave 'Em Laughing - rest. b/w silent comedy with music


4. All The Wrong Notes

Disc A:
The Bohemian Girl - rest. b/w & computer colour
On The Loose - rest. b/w version of a L&H guest appearance
That's My Wife - rest. b/w silent comedy, with music and sound effects from its original release
Along Came Auntie - b/w silent comedy with music

Disc B:
Spas At Sea - rest. b/w & computer-colour
You're Darn Tootin' - rest. b/w silent comedy with music
Below Zero - computer-colour
Tiembla y Titubea - Below Zero in an extended Spanish-language edition, with L&H speaking in their own language

Disc C:
Swiss Miss - rest. b/w & computer-colour
The Chimp - b/w & computer-colour
Flying Elephants - rest. b/w silent comedy with music

Disc D:
Way Out West - rest. b/w & computer-colour
One Good Turn - b/w & computer-colour
Thicker Than Water - rest. b/w & computer-colour

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